Free to Be: Celebrating Sexuality and Gender Diversity
What does the 2025 Mardi Gras theme ‘Free to Be’ mean to you? Hear from Caddyshack followers and find the resources and organisations you have been looking for. Think about this blog as your one-stop-shop.
Do You Know Your Body?
Using the correct language for genitals is important for a number of reasons, including empowerment, connection to self and others, sex positivity and bodily safety, to name a few.
What We Were Loving in 2024
A blog post packed with what we were loving in 2024. It was our live music era, our period tracking era, our Goodreads era. Oh and we rediscovered some favourite apps, movies and shows. Scroll through and see if any where the same as yours!
Good News Wrap
2024 has been… a lot. So we thought we would pull all the good news stories together around sexual and reproductive health, consent and LGBTQIA+ thanks to Future Crunch. It’s a long one (which is good cause that means that there are a lot of good news stories) - so grab a cuppa and settle into this blog post.
Was That Even Sex Ed?
We have been reflecting on comprehensive sexuality education in schools and our own sex education experience growing up and it's got us thinking. So we put our thoughts in a blog post.
Know your Sexual Rights
You have heard of human rights, but do you know your sexual rights? Dive into this blog to learn more!
Animal Sex - At It Again
Apparently people are finding our blog by searching for Animal Sex. So we thought we would go for round two and give the people what they want - fun facts! You can call us the David Attenborough of sexual health.
You Can YouTube That
Where do you learn stuff on the internet? Google? YouTube? Podcasts? Read about our little corner of the internet and jump in and listen to our newly launched podcast!
The Dating Hack You Didn’t Know You Needed
A dynamic tool for any savvy dater, the Vibe Check is a dating hack that we are all about! Want to know how to elevate your dating game and avoid wasting money, time and energy? Read now and find out how!
Why So Binary? Breaking Free from Commercial Gendered Stereotypes
Feeling polarised with pink for girls and blue for boys? Same! It’s 2024, why are we still doing these binary gendered stereotypes? And where are trans folks represented in the commercial pink or blue marketing? This blog has bonus content from a guest blogger - read on!
Self Care in the Chaos
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and heavy with recent events - we get it, we’ve got you. With current conversations on gendered violence, we have felt the need to prioritise self-care. To ensure we keep advocating for the long-term, we need to practise self-care to preserve our well-being . We’re no experts, but we hope you might find some of them helpful.
Behind The Couch
On The Couch is a free online visual podcast series where we host a guest and chat about interesting topics you told us you wanted to know more about. But what happens behind the couch? Read on and find out!
Mardi Gras, Beforeplay & Check-ups
Mardi Gras events are always a highlight of the annual calendar, for reals has come so far & is so good! With Mardi Gras, the Beforeplay campaign & summer coming to an end, it’s a good reminder to get a sexual health check-up.
What Makes You Blush?
We all know that feeling when the cheeks get a little warm, maybe it’s a nervous giggle, maybe you have to change the topic or remove eye contact. It’s blushing! Have a laugh and read our story of when we made a NSW Police Officer blush!
Our Summer Favs
We are kicking off the year by sharing our summer favourites. We are talking books, podcasts, movies, music, art, the lot! Jump on in, you might find a new fav yourself.
It's a Wrap
It’s time we wrapped up 2023 by sharing all the good news you might have missed. We’ve put it all in one place. Enjoy!
Could it be?
Could it be HIV? Testing numbers are going up and HIV numbers are coming down. Read more about preventing and managing HIV, the future of HIV in Australia, oh and some of our favourite TV shows about HIV!
Can This Be The Blog Title?
Wondering what this blog could be about? We couldn’t put it in the blog title but we also couldn’t put the book down. We just had to share our thoughts about EJACULATE RESPONSIBLY
Asking for a Friend
It’s the chats that happen around the fire pit at ‘that’ time of night. You know, when everyone starts talking about SEX. ‘I heard of someone who got pregnant from sharing a towel’. Is there any truth to those stories, or are they all myths? Read this blog and find out!
Relationships, Emotions & Horsemen
What a title, right?! This blog brings together many of the themes and chats we have around relationships. Do you know how to understand your emotions? Do you know how to fight right? Where do horseman come into it? It’s a lot, we know. We have done the deep dive and laid it all out on the surface for you.