Asking for a Friend
September 2023
Hey Caddyshackers
One of our team members went to see Matt Corby live at the Enmore theatre in Sydney in June 2023 doesn’t take much to guess who that was! Maddy, it was Maddy.
She jokingly messaged us live from the gig:
Can you get pregnant from Matt Corby’s voice? Asking for a friend.
After hearing the smooth deep sounds of Matt Corby’s voice, maybe this was only a half-joking text *wink. I mean, watch this shaky footage and listen to the collective moment of ‘conception’ from the audience and you be the judge.
This of course sounded like a great segue into a blog on myths & facts around sex, mostly about pregnancy actually. We know, blogs on myths & facts are getting a little dated, but we promise this is a good one!
What are you searching for?
Nope, that question isn’t as deep as you think it is. We are just sharing an insight into some of the search terms people are typing into Google when it coughs up the Caddyshack Project website all around the world. We are talking ALL around the world - we have had people tuning in from the USA, India, UK, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Indonesia, Japan, NZ and more. Cool huh! And yes, we are choosing to believe these are real people and not bots.
Turns out some key search terms that help people land on our page are: Animal sex, chlamydia, libido increasing foods & aphrodisiac foods. If that’s you – hi & welcome!
We also love that ‘V is for Vulva’ and ‘P is for Penis’ blogs remain our highest viewed pages after the home page. Hopefully people are finding what they are looking for on our site.
Pregnancy Myths & Facts
But over to myths and facts around pregnancy. Let’s start at the top of the leader board with the ‘can I get pregnant’ questions.
Can I get pregnant from semen in a swimming pool or spa?
But if you have unprotected sex in there, yes, it is possible as water, heat and chlorine don’t neutralize sperm *pew pew
Can I get pregnant from oral sex?
But you can easily contract herpes, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea through oral sex without a condom or oral dam.
Can I get pregnant from Tokyo Drift?
You may or may not have heard the slang term Tokyo Drift. This is slang for leakage of seamen from the anus into the vulva, resulting in an unplanned pregnancy. Fingers and hands would make this more likely, too, by moving semen towards the vulva. Listen to one of our all-time fav Buzzfeed videos on taste testing flavoured condoms and at the very end there is a mumbled reference to Tokyo Drift (no, not the epic 2006 the Fast & Furious movie).
Just remember that pre-cum which is the small amount of ejaculate that can emit from a penis before or during sex (but before ejaculation) does contain sperm.
Can I get pregnant the first time I have sex?
Yes, you can get pregnant if it's the first time you have had sex. Get familiar and comfortable with condoms and how to use them so when you are ready to have sex for the first time, you are protected. Play Safe have a great blog about what to expect when having sex for the first time. Give it a read here.
Can I get pregnant if I am on my period?
Yes you can still get pregnant if you are having a period. The most fertile time of the month is usually mid cycle, so about a week or two out of four when the ovary releases an egg (called ovulation). But yes, pregnancy is still possible on a period.
Check out the highly recommended book series from Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes covering this theme and many more.
Welcome to Consent, Welcome to your Period, Welcome to your Boobs, Welcome to Sex
Side note on period tracking: There are plenty of apps out there to keep track of your period and ovulation. This Flo Health app is just one of them. Your body is worth exploring more. Understanding your period, helps you to understand more about yourself. Really.
Can I get pregnant if I shower before and after sex or if I douche?
Having a shower, washing or douching before or after sex does not prevent pregnancy or STIs. Condoms are the best protection! You can find out about other contraception methods to prevent pregnancy here.
Back it up a bit, need a definition? We got you.
Douche means "to wash" or "to soak" in French and refers to the practice of washing or rinsing out the vagina using water or some other fluid. Douching leaves the vagina vulnerable to unhealthy bacteria, viruses, and yeast. There is absolutely no need to do it, the vagina is self-cleansing with its own finely balanced acidity levels.
Another side note: we do encourage having a wee after sex. Peeing after sex may help to flush bacteria out of the urethra, thereby helping to prevent a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Can I get pregnant if we have sex standing up?
That’s a yes. You can absolutely get pregnant from any sexual position where a penis is inserted into a vagina without a condom or other contraception methods. Find out more about different contraception methods here.
Questions about Sperm
We thought we would take us back to biology 101 and test our knowledge on sperm. So next time you’re at that BBQ or games night and the convo gets to SEX, you can whip out these fun facts. Tell them Caddyshack told you to!
What’s the difference between sperm and semen?
To be super clear, sperm and semen are two different things. Semen is what's produced by the penis during ejaculation/ cumming. Sperm, which are included in semen, are the microscopic tadpole like germ cells that are on a mission to fertilize an egg.
Sperm carry half the number of regular human chromosomes while eggs carry the other half so that a zygote will have a full set. A zygote is a fertilized egg cell that results from the union of an egg with a sperm.
How much sperm is in an ejaculation of semen (about a teaspoon)?
Take a guess...
5 million, 15 million or 50 million sperm?
If you guessed the middle, you are correct. 15 million sperm are in an average ejaculation of semen!
How fast does semen ejaculate?
At the moment of ejaculation semen is travelling at approximately 45 km per hour. It really is Fast & Furious. Hope you enjoyed THAT comedic loop!
How long does it take to produce new sperm?
After some quick maths, we discovered on average, it takes around 74 days to produce new sperm from start to finish – that’s about two and a half months. We know, riveting stuff.
What happens if you swallow sperm?
We’re talking oral sex here. Please remember as always, consent and communication during oral sex is super important. There is zero need to swallow cum/ sperm during oral sex. That is totally up to you!
You cannot get pregnant from oral sex without a condom or a dam, but you can get a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Also, interestingly there are about 10 calories per ejaculation – how's that for our final fun fact!
Condoms Please
No surprises here, we are wrapping up this blog by talking about condoms.
What is the best condom?
the one you use!
Condoms that go on the penis work 85% of the time. This means only 15 out of 100 people who use them as their only form of birth control get pregnant each year.
Check out some cool Condom Couture. It’s fashion at it’s finest!
If you’re looking for FREE condoms in the Illawarra Shoalhaven, you can find them at services in the Caddyshack Condom Dispenser Project.
Want to order a free bag of NSW Health Play Safe condoms for your service? You will be asked for an Australian Business Number (ABN) (so not for individuals to order) find those here.
Need some Internal condoms in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven? Order them on our free Resource Shop.
You may have noticed the updated banner on our homepage. It’s no surprise that right now we are loving the International Student Health Hub monthly blog.
Not an international student? That’s ok, the blog is a goodie for anyone!
Have a read of this great blog post about safe sex & spread the news.
Share Affection Not Infection!
Peace, Love & Protection