Asking for a Friend
It’s the chats that happen around the fire pit at ‘that’ time of night. You know, when everyone starts talking about SEX. ‘I heard of someone who got pregnant from sharing a towel’. Is there any truth to those stories, or are they all myths? Read this blog and find out!
Animal Sex
Need some conversation starters to break the ice? What about some interesting facts to save and pull out at trivia? At Caddyshack, we are always learning, and we are love sharing our learnings with you. So dive into these fun facts you never knew you needed to know - all about the wild world of sex in the animal kingdom.
Vulva, Vulva, Vulva
We’re laying it all on the table. We’re giving the vulva facts, we’re giving vulva myth busting, we’re giving more vulva talks and book recommendations. Oh and did we mention we’re giving all the deets for the real life photo series showcasing vulva beauty in diversity! That’s right, back by popular demand - the vulva blog!
Sex Ed in Schools
What’s been happening in the sex education space? We highlight the work of many amazing young activists like Chanel Contos and leading reproductive and sexual health and rights organisations like Family Planning NSW in moving towards a holistic and inclusive comprehensive sexuality education in school learning.
How well do you know HIV?
We share the results of the poll from our Instagram story ‘True or False: HIV edition’. Play along and see if you learn something new about HIV. There are a few tricky ones! Also read about what we are loving right now - a visual podcast with our friends at TransHub.
P is for Penis
What about the penis? What’s the big fuss? We may be used to seeing it drawn on the back of public bathroom doors, but let’s go back in history a bit and find out more! Promise it will give you an edge for quirky trivia questions
Tearing open the sealed section
Dear Dolly Doctor… That’s right, we have gone back through the archives to find questions about sex, relationships and bodies. Wanna see THE Dolly Doctor Dr Melissa Kang in action? All the deets are in the blog, it will one not to be missed!