
Sex Education Team Caddyshack Sex Education Team Caddyshack

Adult 101

Adulting can be hard to remember everything! So when it comes to sex we have made Adult 101 - consent, protection, contraception, pregnancy, STIs & testing. You’re welcome ;)

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Dating Team Caddyshack Dating Team Caddyshack


We know the most popular dating apps out there. But what about those with STI verification? Dive into the future and check these out. What do you think? Would you use these dating apps?

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Sexual Health Team Caddyshack Sexual Health Team Caddyshack

Alternative Contraception Methods

Ever wondered how to prevent unplanned pregnancy without the use of hormones? Get a glimpse into alternative contraception methods, or non-hormonal contraception in our final blog in the contraception series. Find your perfect match by taking the quiz!

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Sexual Health Team Caddyshack Sexual Health Team Caddyshack

Chocolate & Sex

Ever wonder how the food we eat makes us more or less into sex? Find out the difference between an aphrodisiac and an anaphrodisiac. We will show you 32 foods that boost your sex drive and guess what? some of those foods are available in condoms flavours - winning!

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Team Caddyshack Team Caddyshack

Yours & Owls Festival - Down To Test

Ok festival heads - Yours & Owls is ON this weekend! We will be there, covered in bio-degradable glitter in the Down To Test VIP tent! Come get a free STI test, charge up your phone and use the clean toilets. You know you want to ;)

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