P is for Penis
August 2021
Hi there Caddyshackers!
We hope you are all keeping safe and connected. The last few months have been a challenge for some of us, with going back into Lockdown and being reminded not to become complacent around Covid19.
We say this a lot in our work around sexual health and relationships. We cannot become complacent and just accept that what is, will always be. We need to keep working on our relationships, extending compassion, patience and kindness and ensuring we are getting regular sexual health check-ups when we need to.
Last month we spoke about all the V’s (vaginas and vulvas), go back and have a read, we will wait for you here.
This month it is the P’s turn (penis)
Miss Davis was famously quoted in Varsity blues (1999) for saying
“Now I want y’all to repeat after me, penis, penis, penis!”
This comes during a Sex Ed session, where one student rattles off a list of other “names” a penis can be referred to as. My personal favourite – a purple-headed yoghurt slinger!
It does highlight though, the importance of accurately naming anatomy.
A person with a penis, is very likely to have their own pet names for their part, however, as you will learn in our upcoming webinar Foof and Wanger in September, there is a reason we recommend that parents and carers use the correct anatomical language from birth because:
Naming something is an act of power and agency and language creates culture
Establishes a sense of bodily connection,
It helps with education,
And also with clearer understanding of sexual consent and unwanted sexual contact.
This is so important for everyone to understand.
The penis forms a part of the reproductive system. Like the vulva, it comes in many sizes, colours, shapes, lengths and thicknesses.
There are lots of misconceptions around how a penis looks and also lots of misconceptions around the average time for an aroused penis to ejaculate during masturbation or intercourse.
Penises throughout history
The penis has been represented throughout history in some brilliant ways, check it out!
The Egyptian gods we “blessed”
Directions anyone?
In Pompeii, the penis symbol acted as a road sign to the nearest brothel
it’s fun & games
The Balinese play on penises as a novelty item and a $$ spinner
Smarty pants - or lack of
The Greeks saw penises as a sign of intelligence
And somehow…
we have landed here with technology representing a penis as this!
Why all the fuss?
Penile and testicular health is very important.
Should you notice any changes to your penis or testicles, or your partner’s for that matter (if they have them) speak with your GP and have it checked out.
Testicular cancer in particular, tends to effect younger people, those who are not regularly checking their bits, or know what to look for, feel for.
It is time we normalised these types of self-checks as much as we have normalised cervical screening and breast checks as part of preventative health.
Wild Penis Fact
To end on a funnier note, it has become apparent, that as sexual health promotion officers, we need to have greater knowledge around Australian native animals.
We learnt long ago that Koalas get Chlamydia, and have now learnt that echidnas have 4 penis heads!
What a field to research and study! Turns out it is a hot topic of research, as echidnas are hard to study and very difficult to breed, who would of guessed that having 4 penises would be more complicated than 1! Over here for article and pic.
Also of interest, the echidna does not urinate out of their penis, as in other species, it is purely an organ used for reproductive purposes.
You’re welcome. Ya learn something new every day!
What we are loving right now
Right now we are loving Pleasure Pie on the Gram.
There are not too many people who bring penis positivity to the table, but a light needs to be shone on all body positivity.
Until next time,
Peace, Love & Protection