Welcome To Your Period

March 26th 2020

Hi there Caddyshackers

Welcome to March and welcome to your period! Did anyone just cringe reading that P word?Flip it, what would it be like if men had periods? #manpons #IfWeAllHadPeriods.

Because if we all had periods. Maybe we would be more comfortable with them.

When it came to discussing periods and puberty within the family home, I was given a book to read, handed down from my cousin and told to ask mum if I had questions.

Yeah, I had questions – why am I looking at an American based book with stick figure pictures written by someone out of touch with how I am really feeling?

Who remembers watching “What’s Happening To Me?” in primary school, followed by its fabulous sequel “Where Did I Come From?” The tap dancing egg and the sperm in a tuxedo is forever imprinted in my memory!

Welcome To Your Period

Things are changing and the “real” book “Welcome To Your Period”, is a frank, funny, age-appropriate guide for pre-teens about getting your period authored by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes.

Who remembers when Dolly magazine (which ceased hard copy publication in 2017) had sealed sections that you just couldn’t wait to tear open?

Remember the boys snatching your copy to read the Dolly Doctor section? The Doctor who replied to the letters was Dr Melissa Kang.

If you have a young woman in your life, you may like to use this book to help guide them on their puberty journey.

Young women are reaching puberty at a younger age then past generations with some as young as 8 years of age starting their period. So, it may be important to start the conversation sooner than you think. Have a listen to the Vicious Cycle podcast.

What we are loving right now

share the dignity.PNG

This month we are crushing on Share the Dignity who ensure that everyone is afforded the dignity so many of us take for granted.

Their work directly benefits women in crisis by collecting thousands of sanitary products each year for women in need.

#sharethedignity #endperiodpoverty

Till next time

Peace, Love & Protection



Chocolate & Sex


International Women's Day