Casa Susanna
This is a beautifully curated book. It provides a fascinating, captivating, striking and poignant visual exploration of identity and the complexities of gender expression through a collection of photographs from a clandestine retreat located in the Catskills in the 1960s and 1970s. The book offers a glimpse into a unique space where men could dress as women and explore their femininity in a supportive environment.
A riveting, engaging, candid and honest personal story and broader exploration of how deception operates in relationships. Offering insightful analysis of the emotional and psychological effects of being deceived, this book will resonate with many as it addresses universal themes of trust and identity, referencing wider global stories of a similar nature.
The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner
. In 2021, Grace’s name became well known, as the recipient of the “Australian of the Year” award for her advocacy of sexual assault survivors, particularly those who were sexually assaulted in institutional settings. Grace’s story is bold, brave and breaking all in one. Grace has set up the Grace Tame Foundation to campaign and fund initiatives which work to prevent and respond to the sexual abuse of children.
Caught In The Act
“Boy, girl, artist, advocate. Courtney is more than the sum of her parts”. This magical memoir takes the reader on a journey of Shane’s segue to becoming Courtney and back again. Shane paints a beautiful picture of sexuality and gender and how the two are not and need not ever be fixed, but are fluid. This memoir highlights that the best body to be living in is the one that makes you happiest!