Fed Up: Emotional Labor, Women, and the Way Forward
Many people think you can get the gist of this book by reading Gemma’s article featured in Harper’s Bazaar in 2017, however, her follow up book to the article is well worth the read. There are many fantastic quotes to reflect on, but the biggest take away is making the invisible, visible. The domestic labour divide is visible and correctable, emotional labour, not so easily defined, until now. “Emotional labour is emotional management and life management combined. It is the unpaid, invisible work we do to keep those around us comfortable and happy.” If the well thumbed copy from the library is anything to go by, this book resonates!
Emotional Labour
This book invites us to question the way we have been taught to think of value. It is well researched and sheds a timely light on the hidden toll of emotional labour. It clearly articulates the gender bias and misogyny underlying what the author calls “extractive emotional capitalism.” The book investigates the roots of gender inequality but also provides answers to the concern.
System Failure: The Silencing of Rape Survivours
This short book is an engaging, rigorous and hard read about how the legal systems response fails rape survivors. The book chronicles some of the author’s clients’ experiences and calls for urgent system change, although does not provide any solutions.