On The Couch Upcoming Episodes
Caddyshack Project host the On The Couch series where guests discuss and explore current social themes and sex positive topics. We collaborate with experts, practitioners authors, advocates and influencers to share stories and insights that matter. Get free tickets to be part of our live online audience.

Society, Social Scripts & the Study of Sex with Jennifer Power
Join us as we host Jennifer Power, a Principal Fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University.

Sex, Relationships & Consent with Sticky Q’s
Join us as we host Tom and Adie to discuss sex, relationships and consent and their work in the Sticky Q’s podcast.

Drag is a Performance, Trans is an Identity with Cherry-Ripe, Roxee Horror & Lawrence of Australia
Join us as we host Cherry-Ripe, Roxee Horror and Lawrence of Australia, three local drag stars and advocates for LGBTQIA+ communities.

Muslim Women, Feminism & Tokenism in the Workplace with Soaliha Iqbal
Join us as we host Soaliha Iqbal, a journalist and podcast creator.

Is My Husband Gay or Sleeping with Other Men with Kyla Lawson
Join us we host Kyla Lawson, a social worker, health promoter and project officer at Women Partners to discuss the implications for women if their partner is gay or sleeping with other men.

Young People’s Digital Cultures & Sexual Health with Professor Kath Albury
Join us as we host Professor Kath Albury, an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow and Associate Investigator in the Swinburne Node for ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADMS). She co-leads the Signature Project ‘Critical Capabilities for Inclusive AI’ at ADMS.

On The Couch with Positive Speakers Bureau.
Join us as we host speakers from the Positive Speakers Bureau to discuss the lived experience with HIV.

On The Couch with Rachel Wotton & Mohammed Samrah
Join us as we host Rachel who is a sex worker, academic, consultant and educator. Mohammed is a young man with cerebral palsy who has become an advocate for people with disability to have equity in educational opportunities and access sexual experiences.

On The Couch with Dr Tessa Opie & Kerrin Bradfield
Join us as we host Dr Tessa Opie (she/her), the founder and director of inyourskin® and her colleague Kerrin Bradfield (she/they).

On The Couch with Laura Crozier
Join us as we host Laura Crozier (she/her) the Affirmative Consent Project Officer working for the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic). Laura is extremely passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and improving access to sexual healthcare and education.

On The Couch with Danyelle Mei Kaplan & Egan Magee
Join us as we host Danyelle Mei Kaplan (they/them) and Egan Magee (he/him) to talk about relationships and well being from the angle of collective holding, mutual aid and community.

On The Couch with Stella Topaz
Join us as we host Stella (she/her) from Abundant Body. Stella is a sexological bodyworker, erotic coach and sex educator who has over thirty-five years' experience in healthcare and community work, with qualifications in nursing, health counselling, health policy and sexual and reproductive health.

On The Couch with Axel Nathaniel Rose
Join us as we host Axel Nathaniel Rose (he/him) to talk about consent broadly, medical consent specifically, and trans and queer healthcare and consent.

Let's Talk About HIV with ACON
Join us as we host Josef Garrington from ACON along with a sexual health nurse and two community members living with HIV.

On The Couch with Eliza Basheer
Join us as we host Health Promotion Manager, Eliza and hear about a national comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education curriculum for schools.

On The Couch with Maggie Smith
Join us as we host sexual health nurse Maggie Smith and hear about their work at the trans clinic, T150.

On The Couch with Ruiqi Fan
Join us as we host sexual health nurse Ruiqi and hear about their work in sexual and reproductive health with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

On The Couch with Chris Cheers
Join us as we host psychologist Chris and hear about his work in the arts with the LGBTIQ+ community.

On The Couch with Dr Joy Townsend
Join us as we host Joy from Learning Consent and hear how we can get better at consent in our everyday lives.

Sticky Stuff
Get tools, tips and activities to increase your confidence, knowledge and skills to support young people around sexual health

Let's Talk About HIV with ACON
Josef from ACON will join us for a lunchtime webinar to inform or refresh our HIV knowledge.

On The Couch with Kirli Saunders
We chat with Kirli about decolonization, feminism, Queer space & the importance of language.

On the Couch with Aleks Trkulja
We chat with sexologist Aleks Trkulja about all things sex, sexuality, sexual health, sexual function & relationships.

Sticky Stuff
Increase your confidence, knowledge and skills for working with young people on the topic of sexual health

On The Couch with Nurse Nettie
Nurse Nettie chats with us about the most commonly asked sex-related questions young people have.

On The Couch with Liz Dore
We chat with Liz Dore about all things relationships, disability & sexual & reproductive health.

On The Couch with TransHub
We chat with Sophie Keeffe (they/them) about the resources on the TransHub platform

HIV 101
Join Josef from ACON to inform or refresh your knowledge on HIV. We’ll cover a brief history, discuss the importance of prevention, types of prevention available in Australia, as well as testing and treatment options.

Sticky Stuff
Get tools and valuable tips and activities to support young people’s sexual health.

Out Of Home Care - Trauma Informed Training
This webinar will focus on young people in the out of home care sector and introduce the “Because You Care: Fostering conversations around sexual and reproductive health” online training.

Foof & Wanger
It’s never too early to start talking about sex & in particular using correct terms. Kaitlyn & Naomi want to empower you to empower young people.

Illawarra Shoalhaven HealthPathways
Steve Gibbeson will give us a live tour of HealthPathways for; Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People, Culturally & Linguistically Diverse People, Sexuality & Gender Diverse People and Pathways for People with a Disability.

Consent Labs
Join us as we host Consent Labs who will share the barriers & challenges to delivering consent education & what they have learnt about how young people want to talk and learn about consent.

STIs 101
Join Naomi Viret, health education officer from Caddyshack Project & Naomi Hoffman, Clinical Nurse Consultant from the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Service in going back to basics on STIs.

Dolly Doctor answers the Top Ten Googled Questions
Dr Melissa Kang also know as Dolly Doctor answers the top 10 Googled sexual health questions.