Condoms, Condoms, Condoms
September 19th 2019
Hey there Caddyshackers!
This month we seek your permission to discuss condoms. See what we just did there? We sought your permission aka got consent to talk to you about something which can sometimes be a little taboo. If you consent, continue on.
Flavoured, male, external, internal, female, latex-free, vibrating, ribbed, studded, vegan!
Condoms, condoms, condoms, which ones are you using?
Condoms have been around for thousands of years! From linen sheaths, to animal intestines, car tyre like rubber, to the thin rubber condoms we see today, they truly have been an evolution across time.
Check out a full history of condoms starting with drawings showing ancient Egyptians (1000 BC) wearing condoms. It is unknown whether they were wearing them for sexual or ritual reasons. The Egyptians were indeed the first to wear condoms, made of fine linen and even went as far as making them in different colours.
The one thing that has remained the same over those thousands of years, is people’s conscious choice to protect themselves from infections and unplanned pregnancies.
Condoms, both male (external) and female (internal) remain the only form of contraception that offers protection from both Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy when used correctly.
Check out the below diagrams for how to use both male (external) and female (internal) condoms correctly.
Male (external) condoms
Female (internal) condoms
Spring has sprung and as the weather heats up, often too does the bedroom (we know you are picking up what we are laying down!) Time to stock up on condoms, which ever type may take your fancy and book in for a sexual health check-up if it has been awhile since your last check up, you have started a new relationship, or have had unprotected sex (sex without a condom) recently.
To have all your sexual questions answered, or to track down your nearest sexual health clinic, give the Sexual Health Infolink a buzz on 1800 451 624 or jump on Play Safe and ask Nurse Nettie.
This month the team are crushing on Jonny Condoms check out this Australian company for Vegan friendly, environmentally conscious, sex positive vibes #choosejonny
Peace, love and protection until next time