Yarning Quiet Ways

Summary from WA Health

Yarning Quiet Ways is a resource to help parents and carers to yarn with young Aboriginal people about strong, safe and healthy relationships. In 2015 about 80 Aboriginal parents and carers were consulted which informed the development of the resource.

Based on Talk soon. Talk often, an existing WA Department of Health resource for parents, Yarning Quiet Ways has been written and designed in a way that responds to what the Aboriginal parents and carers wanted.

Yarning Quiet Ways covers yarning at different ages, from little ones (under 5) through to teenagers.

The topics covered include:

  • Young people being boss of their bodies

  • changes to bodies as we grow (including puberty)

  • saying 'no'

  • safer sex

  • sex and the law

  • teenage pregnancy

  • online safety pornography

  • respectful relationships

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Caddyshack Review

Yarning Quiet Ways is a culturally safe adaptation of Talk Soon. Talk Often.

It delivers the voice of Aboriginal Mum’s, Dad’s and carers when it comes to discussing sexual and reproductive health topics with children and young people.

The resource addresses topics such as: being the boss of your body, changes to the body, saying “no”, safer sex, teenage pregnancy, protecting yourself online and healthy relationships. Offering practical tips and advice on how to yarn with young people about sexual and reproductive health in a culturally sensitive way.

It is a fantastic community resource.

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Talk Soon. Talk Often


It Ends With Us