Kit and Arlo Find a Way

Summary from Booktopia

Kit goes to school with her friends Harley and Vanya, and always tries her best at everything she does. Arlo is too loud, too close, just too... much. But when a moving van pulls up next to Kit’s house one weekend, Kit and Arlo find out they have a lot more in common than they thought. Join Kit, Arlo and their friends as they navigate school, home life and friendships, and learn more than a few things about how to get along.

Kit and Arlo Find a Way: Teaching consent to 8–12 year-olds is a much-needed consent teaching resource for Grades 3 to 6. An action-packed and relatable fictional chapter book, Kit and Arlo is a page-turning journey of upper primary school kids – Kit, Arlo, Harley and Vanya – developing and exploring friendships with plenty of ups and downs. Entertaining and compelling as a standalone narrative, Kit and Arlo’s secret weapon is that it contains all of the complex components of consent and includes respectful relationships education in an age-appropriate format.

Teachers can read the story, chapter by chapter, in class, and then use the discussion points and ‘read and respond’ notes to facilitate conversations around consent in child-friendly ways with their students. For schools needing a more in-depth consent and respectful relationships curriculum, a dedicated Kit and Arlo teaching resources platform houses evidence-based teaching activities, videos, webinars, podcasts, resource links and lesson plans designed to tie in with the story.

Key topics include:

  1. body boundaries and safety

  2. verbal and non-verbal cues

  3. developing a sense of self, personal strength and self-determination

  4. understanding that the responsibly of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ should be shared

  5. understanding that shared activities should have enthusiastic, affirmative and ongoing consent

  6. having the courage to withdraw consent

  7. understanding gendered stereotypes, coercion and power imbalances

  8. learning to have empathy for others

  9. managing disappointment when someone changes their mind

  10. how to be an upstander when someone is being harmed

  11. the keys to respectful relationships and better friendships.

Kit and Arlo Find a Way is a vital resource for schools doing the essential work of empowering kids with decision-making skills that will carry through to their interactions and relationships later on in life.

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Relatable, respectful & sincere

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