
Sexual Health Team Caddyshack Sexual Health Team Caddyshack

What is PrEP?

World AIDS Day is just around the corner. Get in the running to WIN a surfboard and find out more about PrEP and HIV. This blog also continues our interviews with local partners we have been missing. Enjoy :)

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Sexual Health Team Caddyshack Sexual Health Team Caddyshack

Staying Connected

How is everyone staying connected? Caddyshack Project has interviewed local guests in a new blog series: “Who we are missing right now”. Plus, find out the winners of the Caddyshack Cool Bananas Awards!

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Pride, Sexual Health Team Caddyshack Pride, Sexual Health Team Caddyshack

Wear it Purple

Ever wonder why you see people wearing purple around this time of year? Wear it Purple is all about celebrating diversity and inclusivity! Check out some local people and services we love that are empowering and providing safe, supportive environments for rainbow young people.

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Sexual Health, Pride Team Caddyshack Sexual Health, Pride Team Caddyshack

Rainbow PRIDE

Sexuality is fluid and gender is not up for debate. It’s time to open those arms and hearts a little wider as we introduce sexual diversity. Find out where you can go for more information and what we are loving right now.

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