
May 22nd 2020

Hi there Caddyshackers,

Anyone else feeling the chill? Autumn is fast upon us now. Bring on those crisp mornings, comfort food sessions and multiple layers of clothing.

National Sorry Day

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We are coming up to National Sorry Day on the 26th May.

Sorry Day is an important day for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Sorry Day marks the anniversary of the government release of the “Bringing them Home” report. This report was tabled in federal parliament on the 26th May 1997 and Sorry Day now follows on as an anniversary from this date.

Sorry Day is held to commemorate the anniversary of the report and remember the grief, suffering and injustice experienced by the Stolen Generations. Sadly, many of these injustices are still seen and felt today.

What do we do?

Caddyshack project work with many local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and services throughout the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.

We feel honoured to have these working partnerships and are committed to the continued work we do in ensuring education and access to sexual health prevention, testing and treatment.

NSW Take Blaktion

Have you seen the NSW Take Blaktion campaign?

Take Blaktion is a state wide health program promoting sexual health to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

You can check out the ambassadors in full comedic action in the short clips. These faces will be familiar to you if you have ever watched Black Comedy on the ABC. This crew is laugh out loud funny, but underneath it all is a message that we all need to know about and take responsibility for our sexual health without shame.

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Who we are loving right now!

Right now we are (always) loving Lani Balzan.

Lani Balzan is a proud Aboriginal woman from the Wiradjuri people of the three-river tribe.  Her family originates from Mudgee but she grew up all over Australia and lived in many different towns.

Lani now calls the Illawarra home.

Lani has been the artist of two of the Aboriginal surf boards which we tour from January to July in the lead up to NAIDOC week.

Love her work as much as we do?

Enter our current competition to win this year’s board by texting “Take Blaktion” along with your postcode to 0434 568 233.

You will receive a reply text confirming your entry from Jen.

Check out our Facebook page to keep track of where the board is currently on its “virtual” tour from Nowra to Wollongong.

Peace, Love & Protection,



Rainbow PRIDE


International Students