Sex Education

October 14th 2019

Hey Caddyshackers!

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine, spring vibes and fresh beats from Yours and Owls Festival.

This week we want to do a little shameless self-promotion and let you all know about some fantastic training we offer.

Talk Soon. Talk Often.

TSTO as we like to call it, will be hosted by the Caddyshack Project at Coolangatta Estate on the Shoalhaven Heads on Tuesday October 22nd.

TSTO is a 3 hour session for towards parents, carers and anyone lucky enough to work with young people. The training is based on the TSTO resource and covers topics such as:

  • Sexting

  • Consent

  • Self-esteem

  • Healthy relationships

  • Current sexual health figures and trends in young people

Sound cool? (Because it totally is). Cant make it in person? We filmed TSTO earlier this year for the fine folk working in Health on Norfolk Island.

Can’t come along but want to see what it is all about? Check TSTO out on our Caddyshack Project YouTube Channel.

What we are loving right now

sex education.PNG

This month we are crushing on “Sex Education” on Netflix. Follow Otis, as he embarks on a mission to bring love, laughs and lube into the school yard, walking in his mother’s shoes as a sex therapist. Belly chuckles guaranteed!

Peace, love and protection




Chlamydia - what's the big deal?


Yours & Owls Festival - Down To Test