Holiday Sex
December 2019
Hi Caddyshackers!
For many of our followers, we need to say a huge congratulations! HSC is complete, exams are over and your 13 years of schooling are done!
For many of you, this feels like a rite of passage, and rightly so. Some of us Caddyshackers remember our schoolies experience on the Gold Coast a few moons ago.
Gold Coast is still a schoolies (and sometimes toolies) hot spot, but we are seeing other destinations increase in popularity such as Bali (where the mooolies like to hang out), Thailand and Fiji.
Schoolies Top 3
Whilst celebrating, there are a few things Caddyshack want you to keep in mind.

The risks in Australia are not the same as the risks overseas.
Countries such as Thailand and Bali (as well as other South East Asian populations) have a higher rate of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV. Make the number one item on your packing list… condoms!
Overseas countries do not have the same standards as Australia.
Yep we know, tattoos in Thailand and Bali are soooooo much cheaper than Australia but Blood Borne Infections(BBI) such as HIV and Hepatitis C again, have higher rates in South East Asian countries. Do your research, check the studio out, ask to see the autoclave machine (where the equipment is cleaned) and ask that clean needles are used. Remember, if you do get a tattoo overseas, might be a good idea to check up for Hepatitis C and HIV 3-6 months after the tattoo was completed.
Schoolies sometimes = alcohol and other drugs.
If you’re going to do it, all good. It’s a totally a choice, just be smart about it. Know your limits, look out for your friends and seek medical help if needed. The rules of the free world still apply on Schoolies as they do at home. Just sayin…
As our sign off says…peace, love and protection.
What we are loving right now
We are crushing on Nurse Nettie – a real, qualified sexual health nurse based in Sydney from NSW Health. If you’ve got a question about sex or sexual health then submit away. It’s completely confidential and trust me Nurse Nettie has heard it all.
Thanks for joining us on our journey, we look forward to connecting with you in 2020.
Happy holiday season.
Peace love and protection until next year