Education & Advocacy of Women Living with HIV from Positive Speakers Bureau & Clinical Sexual Health Nurse Naomi Hoffman
“Awareness doesn't come about by silence”. Naomi is joined by Naomi Hoffman, a clinical sexual health nurse and HIV positive speakers Tasha and Mel. Listen as they discuss testing and treatment options available in Australia and the importance of raising awareness of women and HIV.
Naomi shares her clinical experience working with and supporting women living with HIV in the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Clinic. As a proud Kamilaroi women, Naomi works to educate the wider community to remove stigma associated with HIV.
Tasha and Mel, from the Positive Speakers Bureau, share their lived experience with HIV, their advocacy for marginalised communities and their impact in education and prevention.
Take some time and experience the real and honest stories from Tasha and Mel and expand your knowledge of HIV through a new lens.
This episode was recorded in November 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references physical and emotional trauma