Caddyshack Project | Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Program

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Wear it Purple

August 27th 2020

Hello there Caddyshackers

The winter chills have set in, bring out the fleece blankets, soup and hot chocolates!

Wear It Purple Day

Tomorrow is the 28th August… which means it is time to pull out your purple cause it’s wear it purple day!

Purple is a favourite colour here at Caddyshack and we will proudly be donning our purple get up tomorrow in support of rainbow youth.

Wear it purple day, was an initiative which started in the USA in 2010.

It came as a response to teenagers stories of heartache. Many rainbow youth took their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity.

Sadly, mental health is still a concern for rainbow youth, and wear it purple is just one of the many ways we can show our love and support.

Super star Ellen DeGeneres is a big advocate of wear it purple. In 2010, when the movement first started Ellen said:

“This needs to be a wake-up call to everyone: teenage bullying and teasing is an epidemic… and the death rate is climbing.”

So putting the call out to all Caddyshackers to help our community to wake up!

Get out there in your purple too and be allies and advocates for our rainbow friends and family.

They deserve the same love and respect as everyone.

Wear It Purple Pride Party

Looking for a way to celebrate?

Jump on Facebook and get involved from 7pm - 8pm this Friday, August 28th (AEST).

Such a good line up!!

Ally Services

Locally, we have some wonderful ally services!

ACON Southern

Headspace Wollongong and Nowra

Illawarra LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Network - ILIN

As well as youth centres in the four Local Government Areas who have some great programs for rainbow youth and their families.

These services welcome calls and queries from the public, who may be wishing to assist a rainbow youth.

We also have the wonderful Noeline, now retired (somewhat) sexual health nurse who some of you will remember. Noels is the Illawarra and Shoalhaven representative for Pflagillawarra.southern

PFLAG stands for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.

Noels is a gem and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to rainbow youth, so reach out and have a chat.

Who we are loving right now

 Right now we are loving Jackaranda, local singer-actor and drag queen. We are big fans of Jackaranda on instagram!

Jackaranda is an ambassador for Wear It Purple 2020 - we think that is pretty awesome!

Until next time,

Peace, Love & Protection
