Caddyshack Project | Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Program

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What is PrEP?

November 19th 2020

Hey There Caddyshackers

If you are ready to hit the waves this summer, you might have seen our latest surfboard on tour.

Promoting the red ribbon is a unifying symbol of solidarity and respect for people living with HIV/AIDS and marks World AIDS Day (now in its 31st year) coming up on December 1st.

This stunning board is by local Gerringong artist Melanie Duncan. Her work is about nature’s cycles and deep geological time.

Melanie’s Inspiration comes from nature, the ocean, and visits to remote Australian areas; where connection to land and the stories entrenched within it remind us that time is not linear.

You still have time to enter the draw to win this surfboard, so flick the words “Share Affection, Not Infection” and your postcode to 0434 568 233. The lucky winner will be announced on Tuesday 1st of December.


The biggest breakthrough in the treatment and management of HIV in the past few years has been the introduction of Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

PrEP is where one of the HIV treatment medications is taken by a non-HIV positive person on a daily basis as a way of preventing HIV transmission from one person with an infection to another.

The number of people who signed up for the PrEP trial were fantastic. Participants who were eligible, took part in the trial and are now regular PrEP users.

To find out more on PrEP visit Get PrEP’D

This is just another way the community have jumped on board to help decrease the transmission of HIV with a view to Ending HIV.

If you want to know more about HIV, please join us for our online webinar HIV 101 which is a collaboration with ACON.

Register for HIV 101 HERE

Please find a couple of more questionnaire replies from our partners…cause we miss you. Enjoy :)

Describe your work in three words?

Thinking, researching, teaching

What has this type of work taught you?

I’ve learned that I always underestimate how long things take, but also that there are so many great people out in communities who are working on important issues

How do you find inspiration?

I’m not really sure – I think that inspiration wells up when I’m not thinking too hard and that its origins are often elusive

What do you to unwind?

I read (a lot), sew, try to do yoga (although I need to commit to this more) and muck around with my kids

Do you have a top inspirational quote or saying?

I’ll out myself as a complete procrastinator – “Why do today what you can put off to tomorrow” (I believe that Groucho Marx originally said this)

COVID silver lining?

I finally tried making my own sourdough and decided that I don’t have the commitment for it. Ticked it off the bucket list and moved on with no regrets.

Last time you got the sh*ts with something?

Can’t actually remember – most likely it was when someone was rude or dismissive. I don’t like people using their power or position to make people feel stupid or awkward

Last time you felt truly proud of something?

I’m proud of my children every day – they’re the best thing I’ve done

Most irrational irk?

Clumsiness – it drives me mad when people drop and break things

One guilty pleasure(PG rated please)?

Jelly snakes and post-work G&T

One great thing about WFH?

I love being home when the kids get back from school – they rush in all hot and sweaty, I get kisses and loves, and news about their day

One not so great thing about WFH?

Husband has kept me too well supplied with jelly snakes – he’s been told to stop now

Love is…

trying to understand who someone really is, rather that the version you would like them to be

Any words of wisdom for caddyshack blog readers?

Communicate! Tell people what you want and don’t want. Share information. This protects us all

Where can we find out more about your service?

Come and find out about studying public health at under- or post-graduate level. There are so many interesting careers for people who are interested in health and the ways in which we can work to build societies that support good health for all. Website:

Describe your work in three words?

Empowering, dynamic, seriouslyfun (yes, the last one is one word!)

What has this type of work taught you?

That young people rock!

How do you find inspiration?

I’m really inspired by my colleagues and the young people I work with.  When our heads come together in ever day conversations great things happen.  I miss having these interactions atm due to the current restrictions.

What do you to unwind?

Long walks and crazy solo dancing

Do you have a top inspirational quote or saying?

Slow and steady wins the race! Simple yet so useful, I think steadiness is a virtue

COVID silver lining?

In an effort to stay connected to loved ones, we managed to stay closer than before.

Last time you got the sh*ts with something?

I don’t often get sh*ty,  however social injustice issues do get to me though.

Last time you felt truly proud of something?

Hearing of a young person talk about respect and the value of diversity as a comeback to a racist slur. 

Most irrational irk?

The sound of the ice cream van music … very irrational I know.

One guilty pleasure(PG rated please)?

Dulce de Leche’ – Uruguayan caramel spread, tremendously sweet but I love it, I can finish a jar by myself spoon by spoon…(slow and steady…)

One great thing about WFH?

PJs and cups of tea in the sun while working of course!

One not so great thing about WFH?

Not seeing my lovely colleagues and the young people we work with in real life.

Love is…

a warm hug, a kind word and a homemade meal waiting for me when I get home.

Any words of wisdom for caddyshack blog readers?

Share your stories, work with others and allow yourself to be inspired by the people around you.

Where can we find out more about your service?

MCCI has worked with and supported multicultural communities since 1975, including young people.  We deliver a range of services around aged care, youth development programs and community development initiatives in the Illawarra / Shoalhaven and the ACT. 

To find out more about us go to website: and follow us on facebook: and

Right now (and have for many years) we are loving YEAH aware.

YEAH: Young and Empowered Around Health!

YEAH aware is a group of empowered young people, who are passionate about the prevention of STIs, getting out and doing their thing for the community.

Until next time

Peace, Love & Protection
