Caddyshack Project | Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Program

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New Year, New Me?

January 21st 2020

Hi there Caddyshackers

By now many of you, like us, have returned to work, or are getting ready for back to school. We will all be jelly of the uni students amongst us who get to enjoy a few more weeks off.

Has anyone mastered writing 2020 as the date yet? It is taking us some time to get used to being in a new DECADE and writing 2020 feels very futuristic (in a good way!).

Many people see the New Year as a time of fresh new starts, a chance to take some time out to think of the year ahead and what you want to achieve or how you would like to be.

Some brave ones may have some New Year resolutions and some crazy ones may even stick to them!

New Year Resolutions

We thought we would share some of the Caddyshack Project team’s resolutions.

See if you can pick who they belong to and if they are serious!

“I am going to eat more and sleep less this has been my resolution for many years. I make it, as it can never be broken”

“2020 will be my best year yet. The year of love, peace, adventures and friendships”

“I don’t have goals, I am one with the universe. I am impulsed by the void, I am mindfulness in action. Ommm”

“GOALS = GAOL, I can’t do it! ummm maybe I will work on a bikini body, I already have the body, I just need the bikini!”

The top 3 resolutions people make are… Wait for it…

  1. Exercise more

  2. Lose weight

  3. Save money

We figure that since it is the end of January some of you may have already made and broken your resolution.

The good news is that every day is a new day and resolutions, goals, inspirations or motivations can be made anytime!

2020 here we come!

Caddyshack Project encourages you to make 2020 the year of your health. You only have one body, so please look after it.

Tune in to how you feel, are you balancing your physical, mental, emotional and sexual health?

Reach out, speak with your health care professionals and make your health and well-being a priority.

Our colleagues at the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Service have your sexual health check-ups covered, give them a call on 4223 8457 for a free and confidential appointment.

What we are loving right now

This month we are loving Celeste Barber. Is there a person on the planet more real than this woman?

We love how she takes the p*%s and shows us the “real” version of life and all the perfection in the imperfection.

If you have no idea who, or what we are talking about, check her out on Instagram watch her stand up show on 10play or read her book, all titled

“Celeste Barber, challenge accepted”.

Let’s take a leaf out of her book, quite literally, and make 2020 the year of being authentic, having a good time and a laugh.

Until next time,

Peace, Love & Protection