Caddyshack Project | Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Program

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It's time to Staycation

December 17th 2020

Hi There Caddyshackers!

As the curtains draw on 2020, it is time for the HARP team to wish you all a safe and happy Staycation season.

We had some serious fun shooting our staycation Christmas photo this year! We hope you love it as much as we do.

But what is a Staycation?

For those of you unfamiliar with the idea of a Staycation, let us break it down for you. A staycation according to our friends at Collins dictionary is “a holiday that you spend in your own home or your own country, relaxing and enjoying leisure activities there”.

A staycation is like a vacation (in that you must relax! i.e. NO WORK) but it is often cheaper (no accommodation costs) and a great way to discover your local area (beaches, bush walks and local attractions). Where we live in the Illawarra Shoalhaven is a hugely popular destination. Lucky us.

How can you make your home feel like a resort?

Glad you asked, here are some hot tips:

  • Put your nicest sheets on your bed

  • Put some fresh flowers on the table

  • Use your nice dinner set

  • Light a candle

  • Set up a waterpark in your back yard. You know, blow up pool, slip and slide mat and add in an inflatable palm tree for extra effect! If you have an actual real pool, even better!

What are some activities you can indulge in on a staycation?

We thought we would give you a head-start on your brainstorming…

  1. Naps – who doesn’t love an afternoon nap after a morning at the beach? Get horizontal and snooze the day away.

  2. Read a book – now is the time to read the latest best-seller, or the pile of books you have had stacked beside your bed for months.

  3. Have a movie day at home – pop the popcorn, turn on the box (aka TV), dim the lights and turn up the volume.

  4. Get outdoors – check out your local council’s page or local tourist information centre for ideas on hidden beaches, dog parks, waterfalls, dams, lakes and bushwalks. Get grounded in nature.

  5. Dinner party – cook up your favourite recipe, or try something new and then invite friends over to enjoy it – request they bring dessert, yum! Pick a cookbook and work your way through it like this movie. Go one step further and make it a dress up dinner - we did!

The Caddyshack team have their own staycation plans for summer, so we thought we would indulge you.

Jen’s favourite staycation hang is the Towradgi Sea Pool. Jen will be loving the newly renovated pool this summer!

Kaitlyn’s hot tip for a staycation is to get the sand between your toes and head to the beach, her favourite place to do this is Shellharbour Beach.

Maddy likes to head to the great outdoors on staycation and join her family on a camping adventure in Ulladulla.

Naomi is blessed to live in the coastal town everyone wants to holiday at, so everyday feels like a holiday! Naomi’s staycation will be spent on the banks of the Shoalhaven River, fishing, kayaking, swimming and paddle boarding (if the guy in the red suit delivers the goods!).

From us and ours to you and yours, we wish all of our Caddyshackers a safe, happy and well deserved break.

Thanks for being the glue that held us all together and kept us driving forward in 2020. We are inspired by you to continue our work and look forward to plenty more of it in 2021!

See you on the flipside!

Peace, Love & Protection